Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Two New Resources for Mid-Career Job Seekers

It doesn't take much career experience before you figure out that the quality of the match between you and a prospective employer is one of - if not the - most important factors in creating career success. But how do you do that?

Until now, matching yourself to an employer has been a tedious process often speeded up with the aid and guidance of a Career Coach. But there's a new resource online that may help some of you - Climber touts itself as a "dating service for jobs". You open a free profile with them, complete a values assessment, then they use that to match you with prospective employers who have what you want. Great idea, yes?

I haven't yet had a chance to preview Climber's assessment process, but I will, and soon. Most of the time standardized values assessments are limiting in their ability to help job seekers pinpoint what they want most in their life, but who knows ... perhaps Climber is different. In the meantime, check it out for yourself, and let me know what you think by posting a comment here.

Another new website,, targets the recently riffed by serving as a kind of MySpace for mid-career professionals. This social networking site helps the unemployed to network via blogs, chats, job fair/event listings, and articles. Visiting Layoffspace would also be a great way to sample the expertise of Career Coaches who hang out there to assist job seekers. Check it out!

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